Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring's a Girl Round the Streets at Night

It's been a long winter. I introduced my cat to snow (he didn't like it) and resigned myself to wearing ugly shoes (I didn't like it).  Of course, Fort Greene Park became a giant sledding hill and I liked that very much.

And now there's crocuses! And no snow! And I saw catkins at the Botanical Gardens today! When spring comes for real I am gonna go completely off my nut and maffick/Tear around and hinder traffic. (I've been quoting that wrong for years. Yikes).

Dory is a world class mafficker

This semester has been easier than last, I think. I have more tools in my toolbox, and everything isn't so intimidatingly new. Not that I haven't been up till three a bunch of times, but the sense of drowning in confusion has lessened substantially. I made some nifty lamps!



And some bike racks, which are on my website (too giant to put here; I'm feeling lazy). I'm almost done with a magpie coat, with which I learned to sew (kind of). It's really complicated, because I think all garments should be shaped really elegantly, like this one:

EDIT I forgot that the dress design I put here might appear in a gallery and therefore had to be kept quiet for now. Here's a video of penguins falling over instead:


One thing about design is that the gap between your technical knowledge and your aesthetic can be pretty wide; not every model needs to be perfectly fabricated and functional. I know this intellectually, but it's hard to let go of controlling every last detail in the model. I also like to build a model first, then do sketches and renderings. This is backwards, but I can't seem to do it any other way. 

I'm spending next school year abroad-- Tokyo for the fall term and London for the spring. It's just sinking in how big a change it's going to be and how long I'll be away from home. I've barely begun to relearn New York...but hey, I always get restless in the fall, and going to the other side of the globe should cure that pretty effectively! I feel a bit old to be adventuring around, but multiple professors have assured me that it's a good career move. It damn well better be. 

That's all I got. I didn't have a ton of homework today, and I feel like I've shut down and gone into recuperation mode. Too bad! Tomorrow I shall ride down to the Flatlands and visit a soap dish company. 

Heigho the glamorous life!
