Friday, February 15, 2013

....Imagine how it must be in Brooklyn!

Today I was standing in line at Whole Foods and the woman behind me had some opinions about my purchases. She told me that what I was buying (including but not limited to whole milk ricotta, whole milk yoghurt and whole milk) was 'dangerous'. She went on a rant about dairy and how terrible it is, especially the non-reduced kind. I would have dismissed her as a mildly annoying crackpot if the same thing hadn't just happened a few weeks ago. 

That time it was some dude who was making a huge deal about me buying croissant bread pudding. He was also telling me to be 'careful' and I really was indulging, wasn't I. I got reasonably annoyed, but was too polite to say much and then my cat ate the damn pudding anyway.

One crazy person rabbiting on at me is one thing. Whole Foods is full of stringy zealots who are a bit cracked on the subject of nutrition. But two of them? Is policing what strangers eat a thing now?

For the record, and this shouldn't matter. I am absolutely average size. In fact, I am so average I used to work as a fit model. I'm not saying being bigger or smaller than average should justify this sort of commenting of course, but I suppose it might be more understandable.

I am fortunate to have few issues with body image and food, so I will forget the Dairy Zealot tomorrow. But what if she'd gone to town on someone who was seriously insecure about herself? I know the topic of food and weight is a deeply loaded issue for far, far too many women. It's not just extraordinarily impolite to make comments like that, it could be pretty badly triggering. I hope these two twits keep their chia seed-encrusted gluten-free-cracker holes shut for the foreseeable future.

Ok, rant over.

Look! Here's a bucket of sloths! (Turn the sound off, it's obnoxious).


I'll try to keep rants like the above to a minimum, but I had to get it out of my system. Sloths! 


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