Monday, February 18, 2013

I knew blogging was a thing, but...

...I had no idea it was SO MUCH of a thing. I was reading random blogs on everything from bikes to boats to birthers (finished a big project yesterday=bored off my wick) and holy whole holy smokes people are self absorbed and petty. Also, I had no idea that oatmeal is the wonder food of 2013 or that it should be green:

Damnit, I liked oatmeal. 

On Wednesday I'm heading to Denver for NAHBS so there will be radio silence followed by a lot of nerdy bike pictures. I've got it in my head that Colorado is populated by stoned Mormons, but that can't be right. 

On the plane I'm going to have a concentrated crack at Europe Central by William Vollman:

Yes! Heavy vertical Soviet-esque graphics!

It's good so far, in the relentlessly descriptive Vollman style. So far I still liked The Ice Shirt and The Rifles (both part of his North American Landscapes series) better, but that could be because they fit in my bike bag so I could read them in great gulps rather than sipping at the unwieldy hardcover on my side-table in the rare times I am at home and idle. 

That same hardcover is going in my carry on where it will be equally heavy. Hm. 

 That green oatmeal is still bothering me. Here's a recipe to counteract it:


1 jar smooth peanut butter
2 sticks melted butter
A box+ confectioner's sugar

Melt the above in a pot. If you let it burn a little you'll get nice caramelized bits, but don't char it or anything. Then throw the gooey mess in the fridge and invite your friends over. 

Once everyone has arrived and is drinking tea or toddies or glogg or absinthe or whatever, get the now hardened goo out of the fridge and conscript everyone into making little balls out of it. Then melt some chocolate in the microwave and dip the deathballs in it. If you're drinking tea they will be nice, neat round little cookies. If you are drinking toddies, absinthe, moonshine etc, they will be neither neat, round nor little. Who cares? 

Then, DEVOUR. 

You're welcome. 


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