Sunday, February 10, 2013

Resuscitation Time!

So it's become apparent that a constant blogger I am not. There's something squirmily egotistical about expecting anyone to want to read about the minutia of my life. That said, I always have a lot to say about everything (and strong opinions about everything) and this soapbox is free.

I'm not going to be putting artwork updates here, since I just started a WEBSITE  that has plenty of messily presented photos of current and past work.

I will not post pictures of food, drinks, myself, or anyone jumping in the air.

I'll try to go easy on the cute cat pictures.

Not TOO easy. 

Speaking of cute cats, it is normal for a cat to like everything from bean soup to tofu to oatmeal to peppers to apples to pizza? Should I stop my Dorian from eating everything I eat? I've never encountered a vegetarian leaning cat before.

What I will put up here is time sensitive stuff, like events that I think are worthwhile and causes and books and music that are worth checking out. Also thoughts, rants and ideas.

Like, what the hell is this?

Sorry about the bad photo. It's a two-wheeler. 

It was hanging out in deep South Philly. If anyone has a clue what this is, please tell me? 'Cause I kind of really want one. 

Book for the day is Pale Fire by Nabokov.

I have read it many times, but every time I come back there is something new and delightful to find- like an extra row of pomegranate seeds when you thought that section was fully mined. I don't suppose I read it with an appropriately scholarly mindset, as I am most beguiled by the fictional world of Zembla that Kinbote has created. I'm a sucker for parallel universes in a non sci-fi setting. And the less explanation the better (Ada or Ardor does this too).

Person of the Day is Christine De Merchant. She lives in Canada and keeps many cats and builds wooden boats. I want to be her when I grow up. Her site is a little sprawling, but definitely worth the read. All those boats! Swoon.

I'll try to update this on Sundays-ish. We shall see.

Peace n Love (in the Pogues sense),


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